About Us

Hey, so where to begin. The BND Brand was created because (if I'm being honest) because i wanted to make some extra money on the side. As time progressed and as the brand grew, I became more focused on more than just making money. I love interacting with people. I love when people stop me on the street or in a store and spark a convo about the t-shirt I'm wearing. So, what started as a just a way to make a few extra bucks, grew into this conversational space that gives people a way to express themselves in every room they walk in. I believe we live in a world that wants everyone to fall into a specific category, check a certain box, follow the set rules, and at times allow themselves to be silenced. I don't believe in that. I stand behind our statements, our brand and our tribe. So, if you're reading this WELCOME... we're family now (Hey Cousin). Remember don't be afraid to speak your mind over here. At the end of the day, just make sure you enter every room with your head held high, and BND on your body. Because...

if your clothes aren’t making a statement then what are you saying?

DISCLAIMER: Clothing may cause Laughter, Misunderstandings, Awkward Stares and conversations. You have been warned.